Weapons Charges

Fred Sisto is an experienced criminal lawyer with an impressive track record in defending people facing weapons charges. Call him today if you or a loved one have been arrested for a weapons-related crime in Monmouth or Ocean County. Once you begin discussing the charges with him, you’ll immediately understand why he is one of the most respected criminal trial attorneys in the state.

Weapons Crimes – What You Should Know

Weapons crimes typically involve items that have been identified as “deadly weapons”. The State of New Jersey (as well as all other states) has regulations regarding deadly weapons. Here are some of these types of weapons and the laws concerning them.

Deadly weapons include, but are not be limited to:

  • Firearms (including ammunition)
  • Firearms accessories (such as silencers)
  • Explosives
  • Various knives

Laws concerning these deadly weapons cover:

  • Restrictions on their use
  • Personal possession (including carrying a concealed weapon)
  • Importing/exporting
  • Sales
  • Manufacturing

Some deadly weapons, such as machine guns, are banned altogether. Possession of various other weapons can be granted, but may require a permit to legally own.

Note…The sale of qualifying firearms to convicted felons and juveniles is strictly prohibited.

Weapons Charges Attorney

Fred Sisto is an experienced weapons charge attorney who has many years of experience defending individuals in the New Jersey Criminal Court system. He has successfully defended countless clients charged with these serious offenses.

If you or a friend/family member has been charged with a weapons offense, you need a lawyer who knows what he is doing. You need a tough attorney who has a proven successful track record.

Fred Sisto is a successful weapons charges attorney in Ocean County and Monmouth County. His extensive courtroom experience and knowledge of the law is your best asset in fighting a weapons charge.

Call Us Today! 732-898-3232


Fred Sisto Attorney Weapons Charges